ci Consultants - Shannon Huggins

About Shannon

Quick Q&A with Shannon (Winter 2020)

vuc:  What is your favorite thing/coolest project you’ve done with DSI®?

Shannon:  Many years ago, Bill Ferrel and I designed a system to automate volume testing. It had a VB front-end, and allowed us to dictate the set of function calls executed by each Mobile Client participating in the test. We were able to apply production-level load to the system with only one/two people monitoring it.

vuc:  What tool or utility or application do you find most useful in your DSI work?

Shannon:  I think having some sort of database access tool - be it SQL Server, SQL Developer, iNavigator, or whatever tool is appropriate to the database - is imperative. I don’t know how developers function without it, although I know some try.

vuc:  What do you plan to do after COVID-19 that you cannot do now?

Shannon:  Travel, of course. There are places I want to see.