ci Events

DSI® Self-Paced Online Subscription

  • Format: Online. Anytime.
  • Organizer: DSI
  • Audience: DSI® Cloud Inventory® users.
  • Description: “Courses cover product administration, application development, troubleshooting, and end-user functionality.”

DSI EPP™ Subscription

  • Format: Online. Anytime.
  • Organizer: DSI
  • Audience: DSI® Enterprise Printing Platform™ users.
  • Description: “This course will introduce you to the basic features, configuration, and functionality of the Enterprise Printing Platform™.”

JD Edwards INFOCUS Deep Dive

October 18-21, 2021 (4 days, Mon-Thu)
  • Format: TBD (Save the date…)
  • Organizer: Quest Oracle Community
  • Audience: JD Edwards users.
  • Description: “Dig into new releases, dive deep into practical learning and hone your JD Edwards skills.”
  • Who should attend: JD Edwards users of all levels.