ci Troubleshoot - Mobile Client™ Errors

< id=”vuc_tblData”><tr><td>Symptom:
<ul><li>Error: “The User ID or Password is invalid.”</li> <li>User ID and password are correct.</li></ul> Cause:
<ul><li>Leading and trailing space was also entered/pasted into Username field.</li> </ul>Resolution:
<ul><li>Enter the User ID only…without the leading or trailing space.</li></ul></td></tr> <tr><td>Symptom:
<ul><li>Error: “Licensed device required for this connection mode.”</li></ul> Resolution:
<ul><li>DSI Platform > Monitor > Devices</li> <li>Change device license from “None” to “Full Access Device” (or other license option).</li></ul></td></tr> <tr><td>
<ul><li>Error: “Unexpected exception: NullReferenceException”</li></ul> Resolution:
<ul><li>Clean boot the device.</li> <li>Reinstall DSI Mobile Client.</li></ul> Context:
<ul><li>Intermec CK71 or CK75 device.</li></ul></td></tr> <tr><td>
<ul><li>Wireless device will not connect and/or had login issue.</li> <li>IP address setting is correct.</li> <li>Device can be pinged from a Platform server.</li></ul> Resolution:
<ul><li>Reinstall DSI Mobile Client on the device.</li></ul></td></tr> <tr><td>
<ul><li>“Application [App ID] was not found in the Prototype promotion level in the [Environment ID] environment.”</li></ul> Resolution:
<ul><li>Add application to the DSI user’s role.</li></ul></td></tr> <tr><td>
<ul><li>Wireless device gets stuck on Mobile Client screen after login.</li> <li>Device cannot be pinged from a Platform server.</li></ul> Cause:
<ul><li>Device is not connected to the network that the Platform server is on.</li></ul> Resolution:
<ul><li>Fix your wifi settings, or</li> <li>Contact your network admin staff to help get the device connected correctly.</li></ul></td></tr> <tr><td>
<ul><li>Upon login attempt, Mobile Client displays error “Error processing request on server.” or “Communication timed out” and/or “ROLES.DAT</li></ul> Cause:
<ul><li>Unknown, but perhaps caching.</li></ul> Resolution:
<ul><li>Wait 1 or 2 hours and try again.</li></ul></td></tr> <tr><td>
<ul><li>You are currently in offline mode. App and data updates will not be available at this time.</li></ul> Cause:
<ul><li>Invalid Host Address in the DSI Mobile Client settings.</li> <li>Extra space char in the Host Address value.</li></ul> Resolution:
<ul><li>Correct Host Address value in the DSI Mobile Client settings.</li></ul></td></tr> <tr><td>
<ul><li>Unrecognized target defined.</li></ul> Cause:
<ul><li>Variable is not declared.</li></ul> Resolution:
<ul><li>Add variable declaration.</li></ul></td></tr></table>