# ci kb How to Install a Platform Hotfix Carefully

DSI® Cloud Inventory® Platform (“Platform”) versions 7, 8, and 9.


  1. Confirm 10+ GB free disk space.
    • Confirm each DSI Platform (“Platform”) server where the hotfix will be applied has 10 GB or more of free disk space. If not, add (or request) more disk space be added.
    • Do this before the VM snapshot(s) so they will include the additional disk space.
  2. Request VM snapshot(s).
    • Create (or request) VM snapshot(s) of the Platform server VM(s) to which you will be applying the hotfix. This is additional insurance that will allow you to quickly recover if something goes wrong.
  3. Make a copy of the MEP folder.
    • If possible, make the copy when the Platform server is not in use or is in low use.
    • Better yet, when the DSIManager service is off.
  4. Get the hotfix from DSI’s Global Support Center (“GSC”) website.
  5. Extract hotfix zip file(s).
  6. After you download the hotfix file(s), check to see if the installation EXE file(s) are blocked. If so, unblock them.


On all Platform servers in the instance:

  1. Turn off all Agent(s) and change them to Manual schedule.
    • Change all Agent(s) currently set to Continuous schedule to Manual schedule (if they are not already set to Manual schedule).
    • Make a note of which Agents you change, so they can be changed back to Continuous when you bring the system back up.
  2. Turn off DSIManager service(s).
  3. Change the DSIManager service(s) to Manual start (if it is not already set to Manual).

On each Platform server:

  1. Archive the DSI log files on the current server.
    • If you need to look at the logs after you apply the hotfix, you won’t have to figure out what entries were before and after the hotfix.
  2. Stop and disable IIS if you are installing a large number of hotfixes.
    • Consider doing the IIS stop/disable even if only one hotfix is being applied.
    • iisreset /stop
    • iisreset /disable
  3. Launch hotfix executable.
  4. If the Mobile Client Auto Update is checkmarked, DSI suggests leaving the box checked.
  5. Choose the appropriate MEP folder you wanted updated.
    • Likely at something like C:\Program Files\DSI\MEP\MEP[Version]Prod.
  6. Review additional instructions, if any, that are written to the PostInstall.txt file.
  7. Click the “Finish” button to complete the install.
  8. If you stopped IIS above, start it now.
    • iisreset /enable
    • iisreset /start
  9. Restart the server.
  10. Repeat this process for each server if you have a joined instance.

Post Installation

  1. On all Platform servers in the instance:
    • As appropriate, change the DSIManager service(s) back to Automatic start.
    • Turn on DSIManager service(s).
    • As appropriate, change Agent(s) back to Continuous schedule.